
Bili Baby Update #4


Baby C is doing great now at home. We went to the pediatrician for a checkup (combo follow up with the Jaundice as well as a 2 week check up just a few days early) today.

He's gained weight well even with the slight drop at the time of hospital admission - his weight was 8 lbs 2 oz already! He's already growing out from being my "tiny" baby!!!!

*** oh gotta go quick, he is waking up ***

Anyway - things look good for now, but we have to monitor him closely for any long term affects... otherwise he's doing great!


  1. I am so glad he is doing better and you are back home! That is great. I will still be sending thoughts your way that everything continues to go well!

  2. That is wonderful news! Thanks for the update. Love ya girl!
